lørdag den 23. november 2019

From Air-condition To Smog And Thyme

The class in front of The Royal Danish Embassy
The Danish Embassy

The first appointment of the day was a visit to the royal Danish Embassy, at first the building appeared as the rest of the Indian mansions, covered by a tall concrete wall that not even the sun could warm up, just over the top could you catch a glimpse of the roof. From the outside the only thing that marked this building as special was the Danish and Icelandic flag, and also the three guards in front of the gate.
The security to get inside the embassy, was just as secure as the airport, and when you finally got through the gate you entered the small piece of Danish land. It was like leaving a capital of a billion people and entering a garden in some southern suburb.

The whole class were given a small tour of the ground floor of this newly build glass building, by an intern, stationed in Delhi for six months. After the short tour of the ground floor, which was filled with Danish design and LEGO, we were shown down to the basement…

But instead of a dark basement full of spiders and other insects we found a brightly lit room with coffee and tea for all of us, here we were greeted short by the Danish ambassador Freddy Svane. Shortly after we was given a presentation, of the duty’s and goals for the Danish embassy.

Ambassador Freddy Svane gives a talk to our class
After the short representation which lasted for about an hour, we gathered in front of the embassy and took a group photo in front of the white building.                                                         
Old Delhi  
One hour after the fresh air-condition we felt in the air from the Danish Embassy, we went to a place with a lot of people and a lot of smog: Old Delhi. Already when we arrived we could feel the claustrophobia because of the amount of people walking in the same areas. Later on, we went to a place with almost any kinds of spices. We sneezed and coughed over and over because of the smell of the strong spices. The smells of hundred different spices made us feel very tired, so we took a rickshaw through all the chaos to the bus we were going home with.
Ride from one of Delhi’s famous rickshaws

The trip was very scary, we drove through a junction which wasn´t working and busses passed by us, ten centimetres from the rickshaw. We felt scared, but we needed to trust the guy driving the rickshaw with all of our hearts, and we did. It was a chaotic trip, but we enjoyed the adrenaline we felt throughout it.

Kahn Market
The last event of the day was a two-and-a-half-hour visit to the famous Kahn Market.
We were in advance told, that it wasn’t like the other places, which we had seen in Delhi. Kahn Market is much more westernised, than Old Delhi for example.

But what we saw didn’t really match with the fact, that it is the 21st most expensive shopping area in the World (or so we were told). 
Sure, we saw a few jewellery stores and some more classic restaurants, but we expected a bit more to be honest.

Beautiful view from the top of the spice market

When you think of an expensive shopping area, you at least expect a Gucci and Louis Vuitton shop right? The closest thing to it by far was a high-end watch store and that was it! No sneaker store, no luxury stores, nothing of the sort.

It should be said, that the food we ate was great and of course cheaper, than anything in Denmark. We found an Indian cuisine restaurant, with great service and an excellent meal, which is always a great way to finish off the day.
You never get tired of Butter chicken.

Sander, Haralld & Otto

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